In 2020, when the pandemic laid bare health inequities for people of color in the U.S., and Mr. George Floyd’s brutal murder by a police officer on a street in middle America, the i.D.R.E.A.M. Board recognized the urgency to contribute to the important social justice conversations that were igniting across the country.
We devised a new framework called J.E.D.I.—Justice, Education, Diversity and Inclusion—our pathway for the next five years that would usher us into this next era of Black maternal and infant health.
Today, i.D.R.E.A.M. helps ensure that Black women’s voices are no longer silenced and that their unique health concerns are recognized—and respected— by medical maternity providers. i.D.R.E.A.M.’s community of professionals – Black, People of Color and Allies – work with hospital and clinic practitioners to, not only consider their patient’s vital statistics, but also understand that cultural background and emotional health also drive health outcomes.